BC Gaming Event Licence #157454
There are 15,000 single tickets available for $30 each, 34,500 tickets available in the 3/$60 packs, and 72,000 tickets available in the 6/$100 packs, totalling 121,500 tickets maximum.
The BC SPCA reserves the right to transfer tickets from one package to another when needed. The number of tickets available for sale in each price range may change, but the overall number of tickets for sale and odds of winning will not change. All sales are final once a ticket number is assigned, subject to credit approval.
Total value of all prizes is $150,000.
BC Gaming Event Licence #157455
50/50 Bonus tickets must be ordered in conjunction with your 2025 BC SPCA Lottery for animals in need ticket. The 50/50 Bonus Lottery is a 50/50 style draw where the money received in ticket sales is divided evenly between the winner and the charity.
There are 15,000 single tickets available for $10 each, 44,400 tickets available in the 3/$25 packs, and 72,000 tickets available in the 6/$40 packs, totalling 131,400 tickets maximum.
50/50 Bonus maximum payout will be determined by gross 50/50 tickets sold. At current ticket package breakdown, the maximum prize possible is $500,000.
The BC SPCA reserves the right to transfer tickets from one package to another when needed. The number of tickets available for sale in each price range may change, but the overall number of tickets for sale and odds of winning will not change. All sales are final once a ticket number is assigned, subject to credit approval.
May 9, 2025 at midnight.
Draw Date: May 26, 2025 between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM.
The draws will be held at the BC SPCA Vancouver Animal Care Centre (1205 East 7th Avenue, Vancouver B.C.) All prizes are drawn from a barrel. Each 2025 BC SPCA Lottery ticket is re-entered for every prize category except for the 50/50 Bonus tickets.
It is not required to be present at the draw to claim the prize.
All winners will be contacted by phone by the BC SPCA Provincial Office. List of winners will be announced daily on prize days online at lottery.spca.bc.ca/winners.
Winners consent to the release of their names by the licensee. Each winner, by accepting a prize, grants the licensee full permission, except where legally prohibited, to use such winner’s name, address (city only), photograph, and prize information for advertising and promotional purposes without further compensation and without notice, review or approval, in all media now known or hereafter discovered, worldwide and in perpetuity.
The winner of the 50/50 Bonus prize will be contacted on May 26, 2025 after the 50/50 Bonus draw. Winners drawn on May 26, 2025 are subsequently contacted and announced on prize days designated within the prize calendar over the course of June 1-30, 2025.
There is no cost to the winner for the delivery of the prize.
If a winning ticket bears a minor’s name, the prize will be lawfully delivered on behalf of the minor to the minor’s parent, legal guardian or trustee.
No tickets will be purchased by the Board of Directors of the BC SPCA or employees involved with the conduct and management of the ticket raffle.
For complaints, please contact the BC SPCA Lottery at 604-205-5998 (toll free 1-855-205-5998) or lottery@spca.bc.ca. Your inquiry will be responded to within 5 business days.
Should the draw be delayed, it will be held as soon as possible after the scheduled draw time of 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on May 26, 2025. If the delay is long enough that it prevents the draw from occurring on May 26 as scheduled, the following will be done.
The BC SPCA does not sell, rent or exchange any personal information collected from our supporters with any other organization or entity.
To read the BC SPCA’s privacy policy in full, please visit: spca.bc.ca/about-us/core-policies-standards/privacy-policy/